Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Snow is melting!!!:)

YAY!!! The snow is finally melting and I can see the water on the lake! I like out in Garfield on a lake and what confuses me is how someone can be so stupid to keep ice fishing. I just saw him/her out on the ice today with their fish house! I'm so confused, that is so dangerous! But anyways I can see the geese all in the water and I can see the grass! I just love it. This has been a long, and harsh winter:( SUMMER PLEASE COME!!!! I also can't wait till I can lay outside and listen to music and relax.

Reluctant Hero Book

This book was the true story of 9/11, not leaving out any of the troubling details. That is one of the things that I liked about this book, he didn't try to sugar coat it. He told like it is, raw; and that's what 9/11 still is to a lot of people, raw. It is the story of how Michael Benfante the author who escaped the North Tower of the WTC on 9/11. How he and many others became heroes with selfless acts of kindness.

This book starts out with him talking about his job and himself as well as how he met his girlfriend which is his fiancé later on in the book as well as his family. He is just a normal guy from Jersey City who now lives in New York City. He is a manager at Networks Plus on the 81st floor at the World Trade Center. In the first chapter he just talks about how he got to his job and who he works with. In the second chapter is where all the interesting, scary and horrifying things begin to happen.

On September 11, 2o01 Michael was at work and it was a normal work day until all the sudden at 8:46 Am he hears Jim Gaffney scream “OH MY GOD!” A plane had hit the north side and Michael was located on the south side in his office. He was trying to calm everyone down and get them out. He acted quickly and remained calm. He is not sure why he remained calm but he did. He got everyone to the stairs and went back for more people that were stuck in the bathroom. As he is moving down the stairs they are moving quickly because a lot of people are not on the stairs, at least on their floor level. When he reaches the 68th floor, Michael and John go into an office where three women were standing there and when they moved they revealed a woman in a wheelchair. He asks if she needs help and she says “yes.” John and Michael strap her to an evactuation chair. They start going down the stairs and run into a few obstacles. As they go lower and lower on the floor levels there are more and more people. They are eventually at a halt. A fireman finds them and leads them out a different way. The lady in the evacuation chair is lead to an ambulance and John and Michael go a different way which was north. Michael starts walking and a fireman comes up to him and says “Listen, if you go that way be prepared to see stuff you’ve never seen before, carnage.” Michael described in the book very visually what he heard. “Then I heard sounds unlike the others. The strangeness of the sounds-sounds so foreign that I could not relate or associated with anything in my brain could define or visualize-distracted but didn’t frighten me. …..They were loud, unpleasant thuds of singular things falling and hitting hard. I head them one, two sometimes three in a row. Then several seconds, maybe a minute, would pass, and I’d hear those sounds again.” He never looked at what the sounds were but I kept reading and found out that those sounds were bodies falling. Later on in the book he describes all the things that he went through with all the gruesome details and never knew what happened to the lady in the wheel chair. Until one day he gets a call from her and they met up.
There were some definite parts of the book that I really enjoyed and there were some parts that I didn't. I enjoyed hearing the story of what happened from start to finish on 9/11, what he experienced, what he saw, what he did and how he felt. I enjoyed reading how he dealt with it afterwards and how he felt and moved on from that day.
Overall it was an entertaining book for the most part, and will give you a good idea of what it was like to be in the towers on that day, outside of the towers when they fell and the time afterwards in which to deal with what was seen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Grandma's Birthday!!

This weekend my family, my boyfriend and I are taking a 5 hour drive to Beulah, North Dakota. It is a very small town and that is where my Grandma lives. It is her birthday this weekend and I am excited that I get to share it with her. We are having a party up at my Uncles house and we all get to celebrate. My whole family will pretty much be there and I can't wait. When my dad was in the military we would always be too far away to come visit just for a birthday but now we always go for holidays, birthdays or just a weekend. I am excited that I get to spend her cake day with her<3

Tired of this snow!!!

I have never, ever been in a winter this bad. I am from Texas and this is not what I like! Yes I like a white Christmas and to snowmobile but this is just enough. I am tired of this snow! PLEASE GO AWAY! We were having nice weather for a while there and then it all went away:( I can't wait for summer!! You will not hear my complain of how hot it is!

Friday, March 7, 2014

My Mama!

I don't even know where to start. My mom is my life and my whole world. I don't know where I would be without her. She is the strongest woman that I know. She took care of four girls while my dad was deployed most of our lives. She always loved us no matter what we did. She always had a hot and delicious meal ready at breakfast, lunch and dinner. She let us play outside all day and supported us in everything we did. I love her so much!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My hero, my dad

Ever since I was little I wanted to be just like my dad, a soldier for the United States military. I never knew that his job was so emotionally and physically straining. I never really got to spend a lot of time with my dad growing up because he was deployed in different countries a lot, some places we couldn't even know where he was because it was confidential. I had three older sisters and my mom was a stay at home mom. I always knew my dad was going to be deployed because my mom would be crying and so would my oldest sister. He always had his duffle bag packed and would leave early in the morning. As I grew older I began to understand that I cannot be selfish and that is fighting for our countries freedom. I still took a toll on me though when he would leave. I never knew if I would see him again or if that hug was the last hug I would get. In April 2006 my mom got a horrible call saying that my dad was in the hospital and he was injured. I remember that day but not clearly because it was very hard for me. I was at track practice and my sister ran over to me and told me that dad was in critical condition. I immediaetly fell to the ground. I never wanted to hear those words. It truly broke my heart. My mom was already on her way to be with him on the plane. We had family friends come watch after us. My mom finally arrived in Spain where my dad was transferred to a hospital and she called us and said she was with dad. He was doing okay and that we shouldn't worry because he was in God's hands. My dad was then transferred to Langstuhl, Germany at the military base there and we finally got to see him. He had a bad spinal cord injury and was told that he would never be able to walk again. Knowing my dad he didn't take those words and he said "Watch me." Now 8 years later he retired after being in the US Army after 21 years and is he walking just like he used to. I will never forget all the sacrifices he has made and all the time I had to say goodbye. I am glad to call him my dad because he is my hero.