Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tired of this snow!!!

I have never, ever been in a winter this bad. I am from Texas and this is not what I like! Yes I like a white Christmas and to snowmobile but this is just enough. I am tired of this snow! PLEASE GO AWAY! We were having nice weather for a while there and then it all went away:( I can't wait for summer!! You will not hear my complain of how hot it is!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that having a white Christmas is a necessary thing when you live in Minnesota, but I'm in the same boat as you when you're wanting the warmer weather. It is really hard to believe that Spring officially starts tomorrow! If only that meant there would be no more snow as well!!! I'm really wanting to dig out my flip flops and shorts by now for summer. Too bad we took a step backwards yesterday with the seven inches of snow we got. It sounds like it is supposed to be nicer again tomorrow, but then back to cold. I wish Mother Nature would make up her mind and pick the right choice, which would be to bring up some nice spring weather! I’m ready for the rain showers and the grass to be green instead of white. One of my favorite parts of spring is seeing the grass become green because that means we are one step closer to summer, which I’m more than excited and ready for. It also means a break from school and getting back to some of my favorite daycare children who I haven’t seen since August :) Here's to hoping that the warmer weather will be back soon!
